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Looking Ahead - February

In February, there is everything to hope for, and nothing to regret..

Aaah. February. The border between Winter and Spring. Unless you live in Nova Scotia. (You know what I'm saying LOL)

There have been lots of exciting brainstorms, and creative projects being written down and being planned for the shortest month of the year! But before we get into those juicy details, let's reflect on January!

There was alot going on for me this month! Boudoir, Glam Up! Launch and the popular Gals & Gowns series was an amazing experience! I am looking forward to carrying these on into February!

It all started with these two beauties after I had placed a model call! They arrived from Moncton to #victoriapark and definitely did not disappoint!

The Waddell Waterfalls in the background were flowing and were absolutely beautiful, but were no comparison to Melanie and her stunning gown.

The absolutely stunning Melissa nailed this shot. Exactly portraying the Queen she is.

Thanks again ladies.

Miss. Julie was the next lovely lady to come and brave the cold! She wore her gorgeous teal Prom Dress. Absolutely stunning!

I think the "Dress Drop" is a popular pose! I love how the color just pops off the white of the snow!

This pretty young lady came from New Glasgow to enjoy the cold forest in Victoria Park. We had fun and managed to get some wonderful shots between warm ups.

It was very very cold. The falls were frozen in time yet still beautiful.

Thank you Julie! It was a pleasure, and I am looking forward to our next shoot!

Boudoir. Art of the Feminine.

It is not often I am granted permission to share your intimate portraits. But when I am I am beyond excited! I tend to overshare, but to me there is no such thing as too much of a good thing! Watching you bloom infront of my lense is a magical experience.

It was this exact moment Miss. Jillyan wowed me. Being perfectly comfortable in your skin is what I aim to achieve while you're here. "Dive in" I say. Jillyan dived head first and we got some really stunning implied shots! I cannot wait to finish and share more from her session. Thank you Jillyan!

Glam Up! A glam-u-lous hit!

You're always a star in my studio!

Thank you everyone who attended the launch and also to those who are booking this amazing service!


So many exciting things rolling around in my head I almost dont know where to begin! Pow-HER is coming soon, and I'll be needing models!! So be sure to keep checking the Blog and my FaceBook for the announcements!

As we say goodbye to the LONGGGGEST month and hello to the shortest, I'd like to introduce you to Gina!

Gina is Studio RE's FIRST Glam Up! Cover Feature!! This is also a work in Progress! A small informative beautiful online Magazine full of stories, inspiration and things modern mamas actually wanna know!

Here's the cover!! Full Magazine coming soon!! (ETA: Feb.3rd/20)

Thanks for reading!

See you right back here tomorrow for the amazing things February has in store!!

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